
Falcon Aluminium Stems and Briar Bowls

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Falcon pipes are made in England with quality Briar wood bowls. There are various sizes and shapes in the first two ranges of Falcon stem: the Standard and the International, both of which have stems made of cast aluminium and mouthpieces made of black acrylic. The bowls, however, while being made of quality briar wood, have the unusual distinction of being interchangeable between all the stems of both ranges. Falcon was the first manufacture to apply the scientific principles and precision engineering to pipe design, so creating a revolutionary system, which provides a cooler, smoother, cleaner smoke. This is achieved in several stages: *The central plug allows the right amount of smoke (but not tobacco) to pass through. *The special aluminum "humidome" cools the smoke by condensation. *The 'goo' is trapped below the stem line to give a clean smoke. *The central cooling tube is made from aluminum, only .008" thick, yet incredibly strong. *This allows smoke to be cooled still further before reaching the fixed mouthpiece.

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  • Falcon Stems
    Falcon pipes are made in England with quality Briar wood bowls. There are various sizes and shapes in the first two ranges of Falcon pipe: the Standard and the International, both of which have stems made of cast aluminium and mouthpieces made of black acrylic. The bowls, however, while being made of quality briar wood, have the unusual distinction of being interchangeable between all the stems of both ranges. Falcon was the first manufacture to apply the scientific principles and precision engineering to pipe design, so creating a revolutionary system, which provides a cooler, smoother, cleaner smoke. This is achieved in several stages: *The central plug allows the right amount of smoke (but not tobacco) to pass through. *The special aluminum "humidome" cools the smoke by condensation. *The 'goo' is trapped below the stem line to give a clean smoke. *The central cooling tube is made from aluminum only .008" thick, yet incredibly strong. *This allows smoke to be cooled still further before reaching the fixed mouthpiece.
  • Falcon Bowls
    Falcon bowls are made in England from quality Briar wood. They are designed to screw into the Falcon Standard or International pipe stems only and allow the use of interchangeable bowls helping to protect the life of the bowl. They do this by permitting the natural cooling of a used bowl back to room temperature before reuse while not restricting the pipe-smoker to have to wait for the bowl to cool. He can now use a replacement bowl only rather than having to use another complete pipe.


Breaking In Your New Pipe - Article Courtesy Merton & Falcon Ltd - UK

As you continue to smoke, allow the carbon to to form evenly inside the bowl. Be sure to break your pipe in slowly or you may burn out the bowl.

Here are a few tips to help you to get the best from your new pipe:

  • The first time you smoke the pipe, moisten the inside of the bowl with your finger and, while the bowl is still damp, half fill with tobacco.
  • The bowl should be filled firmly, yet loosly enough for easy drawing.
  • Light up and draw slowly, this helps to build up a good 'cake' in the heel of the bowl.
  • If the bowl gets too hot, you are puffing too fast.
  • Should the pipe go out, gently tamp down with a tamping tool and re-light.
  • Gradually increase the amount of tobacco for the next three or four smokes. This helps to spread the carbon higher up the bowl and gives you an even 'cake'.
  • Ideally, the carbon in the tobacco cavity should be maintained at 1/16 inch. Though you may use a pipe spoon (as part of the 3-in-1 pipe cleaning tool), never use a knife as you may pierce or crack the 'cake'.
  • Excess carbon should be removed with a pipe reamer such as a 'hedgehog'.
  • Only use the 'tapered' pipe cleaners to clean the stem of a Standard Falcon pipe. Special care must be taken not to damage the centre stem, particularly with bent stems.
  • After smoking always leave the pipe to cool. When cooled, remove the bowl from the stem before tapping out the ash.
  • Never knock the bowl against a hard surface while it is screwed on to the stem as this may damage the thread on the base of the bowl.
  • Don't oversmoke your pipe. Clean it out after every smoke and give it an occasional rest by using a spare bowl.
  • Remember, smoke slowly. You smoke for enjoyment and relaxation and you cannot relax if you smoke too fast.