
Tobacco Seeds

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Tobacco seeds to grow your own tobacco here in New Zealand's temperate climate.

Please click on each blue underlined heading to go through to the product level page and order or see more detail.

  • Homegrow Tobacco Curing Kit
    This kit contains methods and ingredients to produce fine smoking tobacco from your homegrow plants to cure and flavour your tobacco leaf,
    NZ$ 30.00 set
    Only 1 Left
  • Tobacco Seeds - 1000pk ***** NEW OFFERING*****
    Prime Golden Virginia Tobacco seeds harvested fresh each year from a local NZ grower, making them ideal for NZ conditions.
    Tobacco plants grow like wildfire once established and produce heavy yields.
    Note Please: We CANNOT send seeds outside New Zealand.
    NZ$ 10.00 pack of 1000 seeds
    Back in Stock