
Testimonials From Satisfied Customers

Click On "Add to Shopping Basket" Button For New Orders
When Paying Direct to our Account, Use "Online Web Services" as the Name
We Welcome Your Business With Us



While it is perfectly reasonable for you to be wary of buying products online, this website is our 10-year-old, specifically modified (by us to our requirements) form of a standard New Zealand-designed and commonly-used ecommerce website package called Web Widgets or, more recently, Website Builder (which has over 1000 of its websites currently in use) and is itself trustworthy in its integrity (i.e. things don't get lost with the built-in tracking system for orders).

Payments are optionally via an independent secure International payment gateway entity called Windcave (formerly DPS/Payment Express who themselves had their logo on most EFTPOS terminals in shops throughout New Zealand). 

When you pay the gateway company (Option 1 at Checkout - using a normal Shopping Cart as per most websites internationally) they hold the money in escrow for 24 hours before releasing it to us, be it a bank deposit or a credit card payment. All required details of the transaction are transferred automatically.

When you use the manual payment method (Option 2 at Checkout) then all required details of the transaction have to be transferred manually by you.

We thought it might be somewhat reassuring to read some testimonials from recent customers who have agreed to let us reproduce their completely unsolicited emails they sent to us and they are completely genuine:

"great service, thank you very much

Cameron - Auckland - 4 November 2021 at 5:02 pm"

"Good afternoon,

I have just received the delivery of the walking stick (RABIWS663) I ordered.
I am absolutely delighted with it - beautifully made, amazingly packaged and quick delivery!

Thank you and may your business continue to have success.

Kind regards,

Trish - Auckland - 1 November 2021 at 5:32 pm"

"Hi Graeme,

No worries at all for when the order arrives. I appreciate the top service. Looking forward to when it arrives.

Kind regards, 


John - Waiouru - Sep 9 2016 at 10.00pm"

"Hi Graeme 

I will try Cohiba club

Thanks for great service here

 Kind regards

Barry - Wellington Jan 07 2016 at 5:22 AM"


"Parcel arrived yesterday as promised. Thanks again for everything! Have a great Christmas and new year break (if you get one!)


Tiff - Amberley - Dec 24 2015 at 9:29 AM"


"Hi graham, thanks received my order today. Very happy, have a great Xmas look forward to buying more of you


Darren - Ohaeawai - Dec 23 2015 at 8:14 PM"


"Good afternoon, 

I would just like to say thank you very much for providing such a swift and easy online service

The zippo lighter I ordered arrived today and it is a very cool looking lighter ! 

Thank you very much and hope you have a wonderful and safe Christmas


Gemma - Upper Hutt - Dec 16 2015 at 4.03 PM"


"Thank you so much for the update. What great service 

Chloe - Christchurch - Sep 22 2015 at 5:39 PM"

