
Nautical Clocks

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Specialist nautical clocks for the marine enthusiast. Very useful devices for those who want to know when the tide is coming in and plan for that fishing trip.

Please click on each blue underlined heading to go through to the product level page and order or see more detail.

  • Brass Anodised Tide Clock (150mm Diameter)
    Never miss the tide again! no more sinking in the mud because the tide is out.

    A 15 cm Tide Clock can tell you at a glance when the tide is at its optimum for your purpose whether you need the tide in a rising or falling state this handy tide clock will ensure you're always there at just the right time.

    Brass anodised bezel, white face with black and red markings.
    NZ$ 74.95 each
    Importer Out of Stock
  • Brass Anodised Time and Tide Clock (150mm Diameter)
    A 15 cm brass Tide Clock can tell you at a glance when the tide is at its optimum for your purpose whether you need the tide in a rising or falling state this handy tide clock will ensure you're always there at just the right time.

    Plus a built-in 12 hour clock for complete timekeeping.

    Brass anodised bezel, white face with black and red markings.
    NZ$ 84.95 each
    Importer Out of Stock
  • Chrome Anodised Tide Clock (200mm Diameter)
    Never miss the tide again! no more sinking in the mud because the tide is out.
    A 20 cm Tide Clock can tell you at a glance when the tide is at its optimum for your purpose whether you need the tide in a rising or falling state this handy tide clock will ensure you're always there at just the right time.

    Chrome anodised bezel, White face with black and red markings.
    NZ$ 64.95 each
    Importer Out of Stock
  • Chrome Anodised Time and Tide Clock (200mm Diameter)
    A 20 cm stainless steel Tide Clock can tell you at a glance when the tide is at its optimum for your purpose whether you need the tide in a rising or falling state this handy tide clock will ensure you're always there at just the right time.

    Plus a built-in 12 hour clock for complete timekeeping.

    Chrome anodised bezel, white face with black and red markings.
    NZ$ 74.95 each
    Importer Out of Stock
  • Solid Brass Porthole Tide Clock  (23 cm Diameter)
    * * * * NEW PRODUCT * * * *
    The Tide Clocks are coming back - this time in solid brass.
    NZ$ 184.00 each
    NZ$ 179.95 each