
Tobacconist For All

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Online Tobacconist - supplies couriered direct to you by overnight courier because all stock is carried in our New Zealand warehouses.

Please click on each blue underlined heading to go to the product level page and order or see more detail.

  • Imported smoking pipes from around the world.
    A range of superior quality classic down to economy brands of pipes imported from around the world.
  • Accessories for briar pipes
    Pipe and tobacco storage. Pipe cleaners and imported pipe cleaning tools. Pipe filters. Side-action lighters for pipes.
  • Many brands of imported pipe tobacco
    Special tobacco, exclusively for pipe smokers.
  • Cigars -  Select a cigar from the world's finest - Cuba to Holland.
    Cigars from around the world - find your cigar here.
  • Smoking accessories
    Items such as tobacco pouches, cigarette papers, cigarette filters, cigarette holders, cigarette rolling machines, cigarette loading machines, cigarette and tobacco tins, cigarette packet holders and ash trays.
  • Cigar, cigarette and pipe lighters
    Many brands of gas, fluid & electric, electronic & flint ignition, cigar, cigarette & pipe lighters including Zippo.
  • Grow Your Own Tobacco in New Zealand
    Packets of locally-grown seeds and all the equipment to prepare your own tobacco for smoking.
  • Nasal snuff is a finely ground, flavored tobacco to be sniffed/snorted.
    Finely ground flavoured tobacco from Wilsons of Sharrow in England for nasal application only.
  • Shisha - Select your favorite hookah from the world's finest
    Shisha - The well-known Middle Eastern smoking system where flavoured tobacco or herbs are heated to provide aromatic smoke as a social relaxation. Smoking through a cooling liquid, such as flavoured water, is via flexible hoses and heating is by burning charcoal. See also the vaping method of inhaling aromatic water vapour without smoke or tobacco or nicotine.