
Other Accessories

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Items such as tobacco pouches, cigarette papers, cigarette filters, cigarette holders, cigarette rolling machines, cigarette loading machines, cigarette and tobacco tins, cigarette packet holders and ash trays.

Please click on each blue underlined heading to go through to the product level page and order or see more detail.

  • Fixed and spinning ashtrays.
    Choose from our range of fixed and spinning ashtrays for personal or commercial use.
  • Cigarette filters
    Various brands and sizes of cigarette filters
  • Cigarette holders
    Designed to hold cigarettes away from your face and come with or without filters.
  • Cigarette packet holder
    Holders to cover cigarette packet and help protect cigarettes from crushing.
  • Cigarette papers
    Our range of Cigarette Papers from around the world.
  • Cigarette paper rolling tins and machines
    Paper rolling tins and machines to assist you to roll your own cigarettes.
  • Cigarette/Tobacco cases/tins.
    Cases to hold various quantities of prerolled or tailormade cigarettes or tobacco and papers.
  • Cigarette tubes for cigarette loading machines
    Cigarette tubes for cigarette loading machines. Special protective packaging will have to be built for these items. For NZ Couriers please select at least an E40 Express bag per one or maximum two cartons (containing 200 tubes) or two or maximum four cartons (containing 100 tubes). For larger orders please select the geographic area ticket for your address from NZ Couriers so that an outer carton can be used.
  • Cigarette tube loading machines
    Machines to assist the loading of cigarette tubes with loose tobacco.
  • Leather tobacco pouches
    Leather tobacco pouches to contain loose tobacco and rolling papers.
  • Tobacco flavouring
    Flavour your tobacco with a few drops of tobacco flavouring.