
How to Enjoy Your Shave

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Information on Preparing For and Using a Cut-throat (Hand/Straight) Razor

I viewed many YouTube videos to put together a selection that I felt covered the technique best.

While the English Barbershop videos had a number of sensible tips and tricks they were from the point of view of a barber rather than from the point of view of the self-shaver.

They are however worth viewing in the future to see the many variations of opinions, some of which you will agree with and some of which you will disagree with, once you have become an experienced user of the hand or straight razor. For example do you shave the throat up or down? Most say down for the cheeks but up for the throat but this guy says all downwards - try it out for yourself and see which suits your face best - but there are at least two opposing opinions.

View the American self-shaver below using a Dovo brand full hollow ground 5/8 inch straight razor:

To go back to see the range of Dovo Razors available click here or

View this video below on how to dry and then strop (sharpen) your straight razor using a Dovo brand leather strop:

To go back to see the range of Dovo Razors available click here or

View this video below on how to prepare your shaving foam and apply it to your face:

To go back to see the range of Dovo Razors available click here or

Why should you use a straight razor - 10 good reasons - watch below:

To go back to see the range of Dovo Razors available click here